UnHerd with Jo Aggarwal: Improving access to mental healthcare with AI

Hosted by ACT, UnHerd brings you the unheard stories of individuals who are challenging conventional principles to disrupt the social impact landscape. From social entrepreneurs to venture philanthropists, dive into real-world conversations on what they’ve experienced and learned about changing the status quo.

Our fifth episode welcomes Jo Aggarwal (Co-Founder, Wysa) who, in conversation with Krisha Mathur (Director, ACT For Health), shares her experience of building a vernacular AI-powered digital solution that aims to make mental healthcare easily accessible and affordable for Bharat.

Listen to this episode on our Spotify channel or watch the conversation on YouTube.

Krisha: Hello folks and welcome to the fifth episode of Unheard, a podcast hosted by ACT that delves into the extraordinary stories of individuals who are challenging conventional principles to disrupt India’s social impact landscape. 

Being a health-tech entrepreneur in India is a little bit like being Sisyphus who rolls the boulder uphill every day. It needs hard work, motivation, lots and lots of patience – only to begin all over again the next day. COVID has also taught us that while this is a hard space, there are many challenges that are lurking beneath the surface that we have barely begun to scratch. 

One such issue in India is the mental health challenge, affecting almost 1 in 5 Indians and with extreme social and cultural stigma. But while the scale and complexity of this issue may be a challenge, we also have determined entrepreneurs driving innovative tech, showing our shoots of green. Our guest today is one such entrepreneur, a pioneer in this space with a personal journey working ground up in the corporate sector. After spending 6 years in the Middle East trying to help young people thrive in a post-conflict environment, she and her partner realised that it didn’t take big money or big names to make impact, but it takes commitment to build a strong product, perseverance to work on the ground, and above all, to keep the user always first. Today, she and her partner are trying to solve the mental health issue through their AI-first venture, Wysa, supporting almost 6 million users globally.

Welcome to UnHerd, Jo. So lovely to have you here!

Jo: Lovely to be here.

The spark that lit the fire: Overcoming personal battles to help others  

Krisha: I want to start by going back to where it all began. Your journey has been so non-linear and so interesting. In your own words, can you describe your story to us and what helped you build Wysa?

Jo: So, I went through life always wanting to be an entrepreneur, a social entrepreneur rather. We were just born a little too early when entrepreneurship wasn’t as accessible to people without that background and neither was social entrepreneurship to people who wanted to have a good life as well. It was all non-profit, so one became a part of the most ‘happening’ thing – putting India on the map at that moment – which was the IT sector. I was one of the first batches of Infosys. And at each point, I asked – how do I actually do this with a little more meaning? So I moved from tech to e-learning, because it felt like it could actually solve a real problem. Then I moved from that to skilling and jobs and employability because it felt like it was the main thing that everybody really needed to solve for young people, especially in this part of the world and in the Middle East and North Africa. My aspiration was always to become something like a Wikipedia, because I was in e-learning and then Wikipedia came along and solved the problem I wanted to solve for e-learning. But if you run a business to business, a sort of B2B business, then you’re always limited by your clients’ needs. So, could I do something that was more B2C, more direct to the consumer? Could I do something that wasn’t hampered by grants and the grant cycle and which started by proving itself in the hands of a user first?

That was the idea. We started out trying to do elder care for some reason. Elder care was a very personal reason for my partner. We came back to India to parents who were in a much different life stage than we had left them and said we need to do something for remote care. But that product kept getting used by people to track their teenagers! I went into depression because I was like, this is my first entrepreneurial adventure. I can’t close it down, but I can’t let it become this either. 

And so we started on that “depression journey”. I came out of it learning about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, experimenting with Artificial Intelligence as a way of feeling heard for the first time with a bot called ‘Eliza’ and thinking that I want to make something like Eliza, but only wiser, and that’s where the name Wysa came from.

But just the power of CBT, the power of reframing one negative thought, and for me that negative thought was that no matter what I do, I’m going to fail, that I’m an imposter, that every success I’ve had, has been me telling stories to the world – which I’m good at – but in real impact, I’m going to fail no matter what I do. That was the core thought I was able to identify through CBT underneath my depression and anxiety. And from that thought, it was reframed into a thought to say that, okay, even if that’s true, even if that’s valid, I still have to do something, so what am I willing to fail at doing? And I found that I was willing to fail at doing something really big. When that thought comes, you don’t want to fail at small things. You don’t want to fail at doing a startup, you want to fail at solving climate change. So for me, it was wanting to fail at solving global mental health. 

It’s very miraculous how overturning a single thought can change your emotional and your behavioural reactions. So we started out by just repurposing what we’d built and we had a little chatbot that was associated with it, because I had this keeda that maybe it’ll work. So I built a little chatbot, which was just multiple choice, no AI alongside it. But we just repurposed our tracking of where an elderly person was. By tracking depression and anxiety, we were able to see where the people were.

There was one lady who came with her husband in a burkha and took a PHQ-9 GAD-7 and did not show any depression signs, while our passive sensing was showing that she should be depressed. We were able to ask the doctor, “What happened? This person should be depressed. Why are you saying she’s not?” and we found out that she needs to be called again individually, that she was severely depressed and suicidal. So these kinds of things were happening, but nobody was getting therapy. And we thought, yes, we might detect that somebody has depression, but if there’s no support available, what’s the point? We’re not solving anything here.

But the people who were using the chatbot were actually showing markedly reduced depression signs. That made us really think this is possible. But you still don’t feel like you have the permission to do something in a space that you know nothing about. I thought, I’m not a doctor, I’m not a psychologist. So, we went to Dr. Vikram Patel, who now is at Harvard Medical College. We showed him our data and we said, “What’s happening?” And he said, “Even asking a person how they are is therapeutic. What you’re doing is therapeutic. And this is the future of how access is going to be created. Keep doing this.” That gave us a lot of faith. If the people at the top of this wheel believe that this can happen, and if it’s a skill that can be built, then I know how to do skilling for people! So I think I just went back to the core of what I knew how to do, which was skilling, and then started building Wysa from there.

Traversing tough roads: The three pivots every entrepreneur must think through

Krisha: This is such a fascinating story, Jo, and thank you for also sharing the personal story behind it. I think we keep hearing that being a founder is about failing fast, learning fast, pivoting fast. Your journey clearly has a lot of pivots along the way. What have been these big pivots (for you) and what has driven them?

Jo: You talked about Sisyphus; sometimes I feel like it is more like the Ship of Theseus. You keep taking away parts and putting them back in (and wonder) if it’s even the same company anymore. I think it’s important for you to pivot a product if it’s not finding product market fit. And those pivots are happening till date. 

The (first) pivot started when we were doing an elder care product and pivoted thrice within the elder care product, which finally ended up from a hardware device to an app. And so they were varied product pivots mainly because of either the ability to differentiate yourself in the market or raise funding and so on and so forth. There’s some pivots that you’re doing at a seed stage just because you need product market fit with investors. The second type of pivot is in the hands of the user. The hardware was a great product market fit in the hands of the user. But no investor wanted to fund it. And what investors wanted to fund, was a really leaky bucket. Get x number of downloads and they then send it to other people; for those other people, it’s too new a concept and so, they don’t download it. So there was no PMF. And when you don’t get PMF, it’s really important to pivot fast because it can really drain your energy. The more effort you put in, the less rewards you get. And that really makes you question everything about yourself.

So from there, we went into solving a tech problem, which was passive sensing, and that would have had a good investor tracking, but for us that was not going to solve the problem. So there was a mission pivot. Are we even doing something that is mission-aligned, because we said we’re willing to fail at solving global mental health. Now, if it’s not going to solve global mental health, that hypothesis has failed, even if you’ve got investors backing it. This is the pivot that I feel we did because we were committed to solving the problem. And that makes all the difference. So over the years, walking away from certain investors, walking away from people who said you have to focus only on the US or the UK and not the rest of the world, walking away from big brand investors, and all of that just so that you can have a shot at solving this problem. 

So in India, Wysa is not mental health. In India, Wysa is now Mann Ka Coach, Jo Badle Soch. It’s skilling because there are budgets for skilling. India spends 100 million dollars on mental health of which 80 million goes to NIMHANS. But there isn’t really a budget for early stage preventative mental health. Everybody understands the need, that the reason you’ll succeed or fail is mental resilience. So I’ve come back into that skilling space and a lot of the work that we’re doing with ACT, with adolescent girls, young mothers, with gig workers, all of that is coming from a skilling space and that is really scaling.

Krisha: That’s so interesting to hear and you know, listening to you, I’m also sort of recalibrating what an amazing journey we’ve had with you over the last year or so, just taking Wysa to India [Bharat] – seeing firsthand how difficult it is to take a tech-first solution to the last mile. Jo, while you’ve talked about challenges on the ground and early failures, there have also been early wins which have helped you figure out this journey along the way. I know there’s many many anecdotes from the ground. Would you like to share with us what these user journeys have been, what has given you early validation that you’re on the right track?

Jo: Absolutely. The first one was six months after launching Wysa. I always wanted to be an entrepreneur. He (Jo’s partner – Ramakant Vempati) didn’t. He could walk into a job and earn more money than we were trying to raise in our seed funding. But he said he would stay if we were able to, you know, prove that this actually worked.

And so we were reaching the end of our six months that he’d given us to prove it. And we got this mail from a girl, from the US, where we never did any marketing. We had no idea that people in the US were using us. And this girl said, “I’m 13. I tried suicide and you’re helping me hold on to myself. Thank you.” And it just broke our hearts. At that point, my partner and I, we just hugged and we said, “Okay, this has a real shot at solving the problem. And you know that you found that product market fit on solving global mental health when somebody who doesn’t know anything about you, who you’ve never tried to reach and who absolutely needs this, finds it useful.

And the second big milestone was meeting Emma. I met Emma, who was a nurse in the NHS. She said, “You guys don’t know, but you’re a legend here.” She’d been one of our early users and had been using Wysa for over a year already when she met us. She said, “Look, I have all these young people who come in and we have long waiting lists; we can’t give them anything. So,  I’ve been looking for what to give them. I’ve been trying all the different apps out there, and I started giving them the free version of Wysa. A third of them didn’t need anything else. Especially people with learning disabilities, people who are on the spectrum, they actually preferred this because they don’t like talking to other people.” And then she of course said, “But you guys have to also do this, this, this, and this, and make sure that I can actually prescribe this properly.” So she had actually found a scholarship and was working part-time for free with us for the next year on that scholarship. Just to help us sort all of it out, she became a Clinical Safety Officer and helped us break into the clinical world. We began to understand what it takes to become a digital therapeutic. 

I think with India now, we have a number of these stories come out. We had done the first study of type 1 diabetes patients in Aurangabad. These patients come from the semi-rural areas around Aurangabad as well, it was one access point that we had. And we gave our Hindi app to them. They’re young people who are also struggling with diabetes. And one of the toughest things that happens, especially to adolescent girls there, is that their form of rebellion tends to become not taking insulin. So any issue, from a relationship or mental health perspective, turns into them not taking insulin and they land up in an ICU. So it’s a really vulnerable population. And one of the girls said this to her mother. Now, the mother came back to us and said, “Can I also use the app?” We said, “Why?” And she said, “We always thought my daughter was mentally weak, she’s always very quiet, but since she’s been using this app, she talks to it every day. She comes and tells me, look, why can’t you talk the way this one [the app] talks? Look, it tells me I’m OK as I am, that I’m quiet and I’m alone, and that it’s OK to be like that.” The girl was feeling the sense of validation and self-concept, which is so rare in India. She was able to communicate that, using the app, to her mother and her mother was agreeing to change how she thinks about her daughter. And I just felt that if we can make a change at that most intractable space, if we can reach there, then we can change the world. And that’s really where my mission is now stemming from – to get 10 million people in India to use this every day. 

First principle lens: Self-efficacy as a lens to find the right collaborators

Krisha: That is so incredibly moving, Jo, and thank you for sharing that. These stories are what keep us going everyday. Being an entrepreneur can sometimes be very lonely, but if you had to reach out and share your learnings with fellow entrepreneurs who are on the same path as you, what would you say?

Jo: Well, one is a rule I’d already learned before we set up Wysa. And I think it’s stood us in good stead. There is a concept that I live by called self-efficacy, which is defined as my confidence in my ability to achieve my goals. So that can apply to fitness self-efficacy or entrepreneurship self-efficacy, whatever your goal might be, but it has the highest correlation versus any other kind of resource you might have. If you have self-efficacy, then you’re more likely to achieve your goal than any other resource, money, power, anything. 

And so no matter what people offered us, especially in the earlier stages but even today, no matter how close they were, no matter how big a brand they were, we had just one rule, which was did they increase their self-efficacy or not? And if somebody made us feel more confident that we would achieve our goal, then we’d bring them in. If not, no. And there are plenty of people on this journey who will make you feel like you can do nothing without them. But if they’re with you, you’d be amazing. If they’re not, then you’re just the same as any college kid trying to do something. They’re not increasing your self-efficacy, they’re increasing their own. So it’s really, really important to bring in partners who can do that in this journey.  

Krisha: I think listening to you, I’m once again convinced that running a startup in India is not a solo sport. It’s a team activity. And I think founders have to deal with everything from building the product, then clinical validation, then figuring out the path to market. And it’s all relentless all the time. What do founders need to do differently to build better, faster, while being kind to themselves?  

Jo: The one thing I always tell founders to do is not to seek validation from others, only to seek validation from revenue and users. So know where your product market fit lies. That investor product market fit is a very fickle thing. If it can dissuade you from doing something, it should. But don’t do something just because they [investors] are interested in it. Don’t use the investors as a way of saying, okay, if the investors are not interested, I won’t do it. Then you shouldn’t be doing it anyway. But if you absolutely want to do something, and the users like it and you can figure out a way to get the money, actually forget about the investors. Move fast, go B2C first if you’re trying to change the world because the users will actually teach you everything you need to know.

Because if you’re changing the world, then everything is either B2C or B2B2C. At the end of the day, your end person is a consumer. And if you’re a mission-driven startup, don’t lose that sense. If you do end up going B2B in a mission-driven startup, it’s very, very easy to start forgetting that you set this up for the user, not your client. And even within Wysa, we’re sort of reattaching ourselves to the users within our clients, because the clients can get you into so many different things that they care about, which have nothing to do with the user.

Almost every year you have to go back and remember why you set this up. Almost every year you have to found the company that you wanted to found originally. You have to find it again within the company that you founded.  

Krisha: I mean there’s also the other side. B2C in India for digital products is actually not very easy. It’s actually a very expensive play. And while B2B may be easier, there’s also the cost side that you talked about. There’s financial sustainability. How do you think as a digital health founder, you can balance the two? Because it’s also not an easy journey – you do have investors to answer to, but you want to do good. So what does that balance look like between the two?

Jo:  Think of it as three different product market fits. So you have your mission fit, you have your user fit, and you have your budget fit. There has to be a budget somewhere. A consumer might hold a budget. So consumers do pay. Look at the typical household budget. If you’re an education startup, you might be able to fit into their budget. But for mental health, that wasn’t an option because people who have mental health issues just do not have the money.

So for us, that became consumers only, but you still need product market fit for the consumer. Because everybody else will pay you because that consumer is actually deciding to use you and changing their behaviour, their thinking, creating that trusted space with you quickly. All of that is with the consumer. So you still have to start B2C because the more you intermediate yourself and the consumer, the less you learn.

And at the end of the day, what’s your theory of change? How are you actually going to solve the problem? Because that’s also a very easy one to get distracted from, between trying to do what the people with the money want you to do and do what the user wants you to do. Maybe you do both and still don’t solve the problem. So when you can get all three, then magic happens.

Future Forward: The Archimedian lever and GenAI for mental healthcare 

Krisha: So if I got that right, you have to learn fast and learn first and then build for the customer – I think it’s a long journey by any standards, right? And the fact that you’ve gotten there and are getting there every day is what keeps us at ACT really, really excited. The mental health challenge globally and in India is what clearly is what’s driving you, is what you want to solve for. But helping people while balancing investors, helping people while doing good for the organisation is not easy. What do the next 4-5 years look like for you and what do you think it looks like for the sector, both globally and in India?

Jo: I think we are at that inflection point where we are poised to grow. We’re at the right place. We’re the world’s largest mental health chatbot. We’re making the most revenue of any chatbot in mental health and we have the most evidence, the most safety, the most privacy, all accredited internationally. And now we are well positioned with the advent of GenAI. Working with you, we’ve been able to bring it in low resource languages and redesign it, figure out our story, figure out a go-to-market, find partners within the government who are willing to support us. So find that sustainability path and figure out how it’s going to go to scale. I feel like in the next 5 years, it’s like Archimedes used to say, if we’re doing all these Greek metaphors – “give me a lever long enough and I’ll move the world.” And I think we’ve identified that lever.

Today, we are at 6.5 million across the world using it off their own volition. But that’s still not every day. That’s people who’ve downloaded the app and used it. So if we can get it to a level where people are just actively using this, changing how they think, then we truly can move the world. In the next five years, I want 10 million people using it every day. By 2035, we want to get to 60 [million].  

Krisha: We know you’re really excited about where Gen AI comes in all of this. Do you want to tell us a little bit more about what you’re seeing in the offing and what about AI and mental health is getting you excited?

Jo: Everything. I feel like AI is finally delivering on the promise of computing. The original promise of computing, when those of us who were first introduced to computers, we imagined that computers would do what GenAI is doing today. We imagined that you could talk to a computer about things that nobody else would hear and that it would talk back to you. And a lot of the world for kids who are coming in today, when they look at GenAI, that’s the first thing they do. They talk to it about things that they can’t talk to their family about.  

But now I’m seeing this everywhere. We had to explain to people why AI and mental health. And now almost every college has a dozen kids who are setting up a mental health chatbot with GenAI right? Because that’s just the most obvious use case. That’s what they’re talking to them about. So yes, AI, mental health. 

But the big thing is that you really need something which is a good coach. And it’s like everybody can teach. So, Chat GPT can teach technically, but is everybody a great coach? Is everybody going to change your mind, build that therapeutic relationship? For that, you need that time, evidence, patience that we have spent over the last eight years. And you need that credibility of having published evidence, having had large partnerships, having done that with the safety and security. And that’s what we now bring in this post Chat GPT world to say, we figured out how to do it in a way that protects the user, that delivers the outcomes, that makes sure that there are humans in the loop, that there’s evidence against everything.

And I think it’s really important to have players like us because otherwise it’s just as easy for people to get disenamored by mental health and AI. It just takes one incident for everybody to just ban it. Right now, everybody understands the potential, but everybody’s a little scared about the fallout if something doesn’t go right. And we are here to show that you can actually reduce mental health risk with GenAI. So everything that goes out of Wysa has to demonstrate our legitimate use of AI, lowering mental health risk. And I think we’re paving the way there and setting up those standards that then hopefully will build an industry.

Krisha: This has been absolutely amazing, Jo. Thank you so much for joining us in this conversation. 

This brings us to the end of our fifth episode of UnHerd – a podcast presented by team ACT. If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to our Spotify and YouTube channels where we’ll bring you more unheard stories of people who are passionate about creating impact at scale in different ways. People who truly stand apart from the herd.

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ACT For Environment welcomes altM to its portfolio

India generates approximately 500 million metric tons of agricultural waste annually, with 150 million metric tons left over even after biofuel processing. Around 100 million metric tons of this waste is burned, causing significant air pollution with pollutants like PM 2.5, CO, and CO2. This practice not only harms the environment but also misses the opportunity to transform this waste into valuable industrial inputs.

Launched in 2022, altM addresses this challenge by transforming agricultural waste into bio-materials like cellulose and silica for industrial use. Their innovative approach aims to not only turn agricultural waste into industrial value but also reduce industrial reliance on petrochemical-derived input materials by offering sustainable alternatives.

altM is now looking to focus on developing lignin from agricultural waste—a high-value input that has the potential to replace petrochemicals in adhesives, surfactants, construction materials and more. From an environmental standpoint, altM’s process provides significant climate advantages by using 30% less energy, 70% less water, and 75% fewer chemicals compared to traditional wood-based lignin manufacturing processes. Additionally, agri-derived lignin as a product has a 22% lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) than petrochemical inputs, potentially reducing around 1500 metric tons of CO2 emissions by 2030.

However despite its abundance, both in its natural form as well as a by-product of certain industrial processes, lignin is often discarded or burned because it is a complex polymer that is tough to standardise. Its molecular structure contains organic and inorganic impurities, making it unsuitable for industrial use without significant cost-intensive purification. This complexity has led to minimal innovation on lignin in India, which is essential for its large-scale adoption. altM aims to leverage its technology to conduct an application-led study that would address this innovation whitespace by identifying the best crop waste for high-quality lignin extraction as well as determining the right purification and characterization values needed to enable the commercial adoption of lignin as a viable industrial input.

From an industrial use-case POV, if we were only to consider the bio-adhesives segment, lignin-based adhesives offer superior water resistance and bonding strength compared to traditional phenolic resins, along with cost advantages. Adopting lignin as a sustainable alternative in other industries like construction, automotive, and aerospace could drive substantial reductions in industrial carbon emissions.

ACT For Environment is supporting altM in conducting an intensive application-led study with a highly acclaimed global research entity and leveraging their technology to develop pilot-ready prototypes for agri-waste derived lignin. This grant will help altM advance from a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 3 to TRL 7, potentially facilitating the commercialization of lignin-based products by optimising purification costs and ensuring consistent product quality.

We’re thrilled to catalyse their journey as a first-mover in the agri-lignin space in a bid to enable a more sustainable and decarbonized industrial future for India!

Rucha Phadke: My journey from being an architect to becoming an ACT For Environment Fellow

I’m Rucha, and I recently completed the ACT Fellowship program as an ACT For Environment Fellow. My journey to learn more about sustainable food systems is what led me to this program and has been anything but typical! After six years as an architect and a regenerative landscape designer, my perspectives shifted by almost 360° when I joined ACT. Suddenly, I had to zoom out to look at climate challenges on a national scale and think BIG!

At ACT, I had to shift from focusing on the intricate details required for program/project design and implementation to viewing climate-resilient agriculture at a macro level and the journey was equal parts a rollercoaster ride and equal parts rewarding. Contributing towards reimagining ACT For Environment’s investment thesis within the agriculture domain was crucial in this journey because up until last year, the investment focus had broadly been on land rejuvenation, water security, waste management, energy transition and air quality. When the 2nd cohort of Fellows came on board, the two of us tagged to the environment vertical realized that we’d soon be working on realigning this thesis to the larger northstar of decarbonisation – with agriculture and food systems being one of the key focus areas within the framework.

And I took on the challenge! Before scouting the solutions landscape to ensure the thesis was relevant to an Indian context, I knew of limited solutions in the agriculture and food sector. Upon extensively exploring the ecosystem, I was exposed to many different kinds of innovative solutions – I had the opportunity to speak with founders, policymakers, investors, and other stakeholders to understand the challenges within the sector, identify their roles, and contributions, and figure out where ACT’s capital could be truly catalytic. These conversations just reinforced in my mind the need for collaboration in the development sector, where multiple stakeholders worked together to solve complex problems.

This process also allowed me to pursue my passion for food systems while leveraging my on-ground knowledge from working with NGOs. I realized how complex fixing Indian food systems is compared to other climate tech interventional areas. It requires balancing climate impact, food security, groundwater recharge, biodiversity, and farmer incomes. Developing an investment thesis helps in prioritizing problems and making informed decisions. Knowing that this thesis will guide ACT’s investments towards ‘fixing’ the Indian food systems in the next couple of years was incredibly fulfilling!

Overall, my journey from architecture to tackling food systems at ACT has been quite transformative. It was like going from sculpting a masterpiece to managing an entire art gallery—both require meticulous attention to detail, but one also needs to see the grander vision to succeed!

Applications for the 2024-25 cohort of the ACT Fellowship are now open! Click here to apply before the deadline of 13th August, 2024.

Lakshay Talwar: My journey from being a social entrepreneur to becoming an ACT For Health Fellow

I’m someone who is very passionate about enabling livelihoods and at the time I applied for the ACT Fellowship Program, I was channelling my own social entrepreneurial energies as the co-founder of AeSha Foundation – a grassroots lab for increasing women’s proactive participation in public life through income-generating work, civic engagement, and meaningful social life in low-income settlements.

I was looking for perspective at the time; being a social entrepreneur is a challenging body of work and I felt the need to look at it from a different set of eyes in order to be able to build better, faster and stronger. During my time as an ACT For Health Fellow, I had the opportunity to spearhead the Implementer’s Network – a key strategic initiative that aims to facilitate the deployment of market ready health-tech innovations at the last mile through partnerships with grassroots NGOs, state governments and ecosystem partners. Simply put, it provides a testing ground for tech innovations to find product-market fit within some of India’s most rural, remote and underserved regions.

The network comprises over 20 organisations actively engaged in high-impact work at the last mile. Forging collaborations with these organisations helps achieve several objectives:
Generate evidence on the effectiveness of tech-solutions in improving critical health outcomes at the last mile
Provide startups with real world feedback and pathways to scale sustainably with government and NGO partners
Enable implementation partners to enhance programmatic outcomes by piloting and integrating innovative tech solutions

Working on the Implementer’s Network turned out to be a highly enriching experience for me. My responsibilities included onboarding partner organisations, fostering strategic collaborations between like-minded startups and partners, and co-designing and monitoring pilots to ensure sustained outcomes. My first task as part of this project was to organise a tech-showcase for two of our potential grantees and network partners. The tech-showcase is meant to introduce and demonstrate new, innovative solutions to all our network partners, gather feedback on the feasibility and relevance of the solution, and potentially explore collaborative opportunities for pilots. In this showcase, we demonstrated two innovations – one in mental health and an AI-based oral cancer screening solution – which garnered interest from 8 partners. By the end of the process, we were able to propose 3 pilots for the large-scale deployment of the oral cancer screening technology!

Over the following months, I saw the impact of these efforts firsthand as we successfully onboarded Atom360, an oral cancer screening innovation, as a grantee—something I had the privilege to lead and oversee. The opportunity to engage deeply in pilot design and monitoring was a highly enriching experience. In the last year, we activated a total of 9 pilots and committed close to 5 crores cumulatively for deployments. An illustrative example of this would be the cervical cancer screening pilots we had initiated with our grantee Periwinkle in collaboration with PATH, our implementation partner. I thoroughly enjoyed being involved in getting this initiative off the ground in 20+ primary health care centres across 3 states. My personal engagement spanned from co-designing the Monitoring and Evaluation framework to ensuring regular cadences to monitor progress, and of course, the occasional (or rather, more than just occasional) crisis calls are always the fun part of working on field deployment projects.

If I were to encapsulate my learnings as an ACT For Health Fellow, the following key takeaways come to mind:
Ensuring that we are “Partners” and not “Funders”: If I may take this opportunity to sprinkle some grains of honesty – for those who are tuned into the social sector, most funders tend to fall prey to the saviour complex. I genuinely believe this is one area where ACT truly distinguishes itself by being extremely founder-centric and grounded in its approach.

Holding the fort for the implementers as much as for innovators: This is a difficult one and requires a fine balance. While our core work demands us to be more startup and founder-centric, ACT as a platform requires us to display high-levels of empathy for the needs of the implementation partners. Ensuring that support is extended where needed, listening carefully to what they need to generate mutually beneficial outcomes and mobilising resources accordingly.

Patience (of all kinds) is the key: Can’t emphasise enough on how big a learning this has been for me. From patient capital to patience during setbacks and toward outcomes is a massive skill and value to embody in this journey.

Being close to the field: That’s where it all plays out and that’s from where one learns the most. A non-negotiable.

Finally, as I reflect on this journey, I take back immense learning moments with me, along with deep gratitude for all the wonderful organisations and people, including the team at ACT – for trusting me throughout, guiding my learning process, and letting me tag along in this journey filled with enrichment, challenges and tons of joy!

Applications for the 2024-25 cohort of the ACT Fellowship are now open! Click here to apply before the deadline of 13th August, 2024.

Sailee Rane: My journey from working in the startup ecosystem to becoming an ACT For Environment Fellow

Before I joined the ACT Fellowship, I had spent my career first at McKinsey and later as the Business Head at Razorpay – I was an IIT Roorkee and an IIM Ahmedabad graduate whose professional career was on a steady upward trajectory and I could have chosen to continue on that path. But as an individual, I had begun to feel a strong need to play a part in addressing one of the biggest challenges of our time – climate change.

From a lens of purpose, I knew I wanted to pivot my career towards the climate action space but wasn’t entirely sure where to start or which interventional area to prioritise, and I realised that perhaps I needed the time and the space to first learn more before planning my path ahead. The ACT Fellowship helped me do just that; as an ACT For Environment Fellow, the past 9 months have helped me garner an in-depth understanding of the various nuances of environmental challenges but also the role that innovation and collective action can play in creating sustainable impact at scale.

Apart from being a venture philanthropy fund, ACT is also a platform for collective action – the organisation truly believes in the power of bringing the ecosystem together – and one of the most rewarding experiences during my Fellowship has been seeing the value of building collectives come alive through ACT’s partnership with the Avaana-Startup India Grand Challenge to discover high-potential climate-tech innovations.

It all started with a conversation with Anjali Bansal, the founding partner of Avaana Capital, at the Avaana climate conference on a Friday evening in Mumbai in January. I had heard the team announce the challenge during the event, and while talking to Anjali, we briefly discussed the overlap with ACT For Environment’s investment focus areas. We quickly got on a call together with ACT’s leadership team to discuss the possibilities and by Monday, I was already in touch with Avaana’s team to begin planning how ACT could collaborate on this initiative as a funding partner. ACT isn’t kidding when they say they have a bias for action and interestingly, I saw how that bias has the power to spur organic partnerships within the sector at a surprisingly rapid pace!

The Avaana and ACT For Environment team seamlessly worked together on evangelising the challenge, getting the jury panels onboarded and screening the applications. We even jointly designed the selection criteria and moderated the stream-wise juries to identify 10 finalists that presented before a grand jury, comprising senior leaders from the industry and government in Delhi. The challenge saw more than 15 partners join in different capacities such as funders, jury members, industry experts and researchers and as an ACT Fellow, it was my absolute privilege being at the frontlines.

The challenge was a great success, with more than 400+ applications across the different streams like energy, agriculture, industrial decarbonisation, circular economy, carbon capture/removal/storage and climate data reporting. Collaborating with Avaana definitely helped ACT For Environment identify promising startups that could be potential grantees but most importantly, play a collaborative role alongside the ecosystem in addressing climate change.

While I’ve worked on various different aspects of venture philanthropy and grant-making during my Fellowship (I’ve even successfully taken a climate startup to the IC!) – personally, learning how to collaborate with other organisations has been the most rewarding experience.

As I conclude my Fellowship, I’m now looking forward to building my journey ahead – no matter where I choose to be or what I specifically choose to do, I know that I’ll always be a catalyst of climate impact!

Applications for the 2024-25 cohort of the ACT Fellowship are now open! Click here to apply before the deadline of 13th August, 2024.

UnHerd with Suman Gopalan: Breaking barriers for women at the workplace

Hosted by ACT, UnHerd brings you the unheard stories of individuals who are challenging conventional principles to disrupt the social impact landscape. From social entrepreneurs to venture philanthropists, dive into real-world conversations on what they’ve experienced and learned about changing the status quo.

Our fourth episode welcomes Suman Gopalan (Former CHRO at Freshworks) who, in conversation with Sowjanya Kanuri (Lead, ACT For Women), shares her philanthropic journey towards making workplaces more diverse and equitable for women. 

Listen to this episode on our Spotify channel or watch the conversation on YouTube.

Sowjanya: Hello folks and welcome to the fourth episode of UnHerd – a podcast hosted by ACT that delves into the extraordinary stories of individuals who are challenging conventional principles to disrupt India’s social impact landscape.

India ranks 5th from the bottom out of 146 countries, when it comes to women’s economic participation and opportunity. 30% of Indian women of working age are employed or looking for employment, compared to 53% globally. At the same time, there are umpteen studies that show that gender diverse companies are more successful – and that closing the employment gap between men and women, which is a whopping 58 percentage points in India, could expand our GDP by nearly $6 trillion. 

Our guest today brings over 25 years of experience in leading regional and global teams in large multinational corporations like Nielsen, Dell Technologies and Whirlpool before changing gears and moving to the startup ecosystem, where she was the Chief HR Officer at Freshworks – the first Indian SaaS company to be listed on NASDAQ – for over 5 years. A member of the CNBC Workforce Advisory Council, and our very own ACT For Women Advisory Council chair, she is a passionate advocate for women in the workplace. 

Welcome to UnHerd, Suman!

Suman: Thank you, Sowjanya. I’m really happy to be here. Thanks for having me.

The spark that lit the fire: Life experiences that gave birth to a lifelong mission 

Sowjanya: We’re thrilled to have you Suman. You’ve worn many hats through your career. You’ve been a people leader, a board member, a startup mentor, an angel investor, and also a philanthropist who advocates for increasing women’s workforce participation. So curious to know Suman, what prompted your foray into philanthropy? Can you share a little bit about that journey that really got you invested into the idea of changing the game for women at the work space?

Suman: I think most people go through various stages in life and career, and our priorities and our outlook also changes and evolves with that – so same for me. The early stage of my career was all about building a foundation, exploring opportunities fearlessly, and not having too many barriers to what I wanted to do. Then, once I figured out my area of interest, where my passion lies, I went through a growth stage and made conscious choices about the direction I wanted my career to take. Then you reach a point where it’s not just about growth, and you start defining success differently as well. It’s not about your own growth, but it really is about creating impact and building a legacy. And some of that actually naturally feeds into paying it forward in the workplace, and you extend that somewhat and then you start paying it forward in your community as well.

So that’s really how it happened for me as well. The more I started looking at “How do I create impact? How do I create a legacy? What is it that I want to be known for?” I realised that I have been really fortunate in my career to have received mentorship and sponsorship from several leaders, which has helped me become successful in my career. And today I am in a position where I can pay it forward, and that’s where it started – where I’m really passionate about paying it forward and really being able to share my experience and being able to work with young upcoming women leaders and women entrepreneurs.  

The second reason on why extend it to the community and philanthropy is slightly more personal. And this is based on my own experience in my career. I chose to take a break in my career. I’ve always been very focused – I really wanted to have lots of things I wanted to do with my career. But there also came a point in time where I made a personal choice to step aside for a bit and focus on my personal life. And that was the moment when my daughter was born. And I really just wanted to enjoy the period of motherhood, which was a vastly different experience from everything that you go through in a corporate environment. At that time, a lot of folks gave me sound advice saying it could potentially be harmful to my career. It could slow down my growth and a whole lot of stuff, but I was convinced that I should be able to have that choice, given the fact that I’ve proven myself in my career, I’ve reached leadership levels and I’ve had a history of success.

And so, I decided to take the plunge and focus on just being a mom. And when I was ready to come back, it was so very difficult. So that was the first time in my career I actually realised everything that people talked about – the glass ceiling, the barriers. And I faced all of that somehow. You know, when you generally don’t face that in your career so much and you’re suddenly faced with it, it really catches you unaware. A lot of people gave me really passionate advice about how my focus should be not on aiming for a leadership role, but probably starting somewhere lower and building my career back up – which actually felt very demotivating and it felt like I was paying some kind of a penalty for taking time off for a life reason.

So that’s what made me start to think about the barriers that women actually face and the truth and the reality behind it. So I was fortunate enough, as you all know, I took on the role as CHRO of FreshWorks. And so, one of the first things I did when I was back in a leadership role was to make sure that I’m creating an environment that allows women who make conscious choices for life reasons to be able to come back more easily into the workplace. And I had so many lessons that we learned in terms of how do we make it a more equitable place because so much of our workplace practices are built with traditionally what has been the workforce demographic, which is male. And I think now, when we are seeing more and more women come in, I think it’s about time we did something to change that practice so that it’s equal for both and not just built for the convenience of one.

So that’s really where I started passionately dedicating a lot of my time, and it evolved beyond just my organisation to the overall startup economy. And the thing that really makes me a lot more passionate about this is when I see statistics like what you just quoted, which is India is fourth or fifth from the bottom when it comes to women’s participation. And you look around us, India has one of the most educated workforces in the world, right? There is no reason why our workforce should not reflect that. So that’s my passion, and that’s really where I kind of stumbled into the area that I choose to put my energy behind, which is really bringing women back into the workforce.

Traversing tough roads: Taking diversity from a concept to tangible reality 

Sowjanya: Thank you, Suman. I mean, I know I’ve heard this story before, but it always inspires me a lot whenever you can share your own personal journey, and I think that’s really powerful to be able to hear from people who’ve gone through this journey and experienced this to be able to share this with others. Given your vantage point Suman, since you’ve been a working woman yourself and you’ve also led organisations, people, strategies – not just at Freshworks but even in other organisations – where would you say we are today when it comes to employers creating more, enabling workplaces for women?

Suman: Look, I think in general we are making progress. We are moving in the right direction. When I reflect back on my own career and look back to 25 plus years when I started, it’s way different. A couple of things. One is I think the government definitely has played a huge role in making sure that there are a lot more equitable practices and they’ve mandated it. From being very progressive with maternity leave and benefits to requiring employers to ensure it’s a safe and equitable workplace. I think the government has done its part. There’s only so much you can do in terms of creating those laws and enabling mechanisms. And I think the employers are also stepping up. I don’t think you can continue to remain the way you were 25 years ago. And so I’m seeing progress, but I don’t think it’s enough.

Every time I see statistics that say it’s gonna take three lifetimes for us to achieve parity, it tells me that’s not enough. And that’s where I think we all need to be a lot more thoughtful and purposeful about it. Because something like this where you are trying to change what has been a legacy for so many years, requires purposeful action, right? Equity just doesn’t happen by itself. And so, I do think that while employers are progressing in the right direction, I think we all have to be a lot more purposeful in terms of what we want to do and how we want to do it.

Sowjanya: That brings me to your experience at FreshWorks. In 2020, the organisation made a public commitment to gender diversity by joining the pledge for equality. So tell us a little bit about the motivation behind that – why equality and why is that so important?

Suman: At FreshWorks, we wanted to build not just a great business – we always wanted to build a great company. And that is really where it all started. From the very early stages, FreshWorks was very diverse. We didn’t give labels to the diversity, but we were diverse in every sense of the word. We hired people from various backgrounds, varied experiences. We actually threw out the playbook in terms of who we hire, what kind of pedigree we look for, all of that. So that in itself ensured that there was a certain level of diversity that actually came with it. Now, having said that, as we were growing bigger, we realised that we have to be more purposeful. We cannot let diversity happen to us. That’s one. Secondly, while we had a lot of diversity overall, the one area we weren’t really doing well on was gender diversity.

And it was very apparent because while we had a lot of women overall, we had very, very few women at leadership levels or board levels. Like you can count them in one hand. And that matters a great deal because the tone of the organisation is set at the very top. And so, if you don’t have a diverse voice at the top, you can’t do much overall – that’s one. Number two, you have to have role models, right? If you truly want women to rise, you need to have them surrounded by role models they can look up to learn from and aspire to be like. If all they are seeing are male role models, it just becomes that much harder to kind of imagine themselves being that, right? So that’s really where it started. And our conversation started with, okay, so where do we want to be? What does good look like for us? And that’s where we really took a bold stance and said, just improving a few percentage points really is nothing to talk about. 

So we said, if you truly want to be best in class, and if you really mean what you mean about equality and diversity, then there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be at 50%. Anything less than 50% is nothing to write home about. But it’s not something you can do overnight, right? You can’t go from 25% to 50% overnight. It’s a journey. But that’s where we made a public commitment and said that we will embark on a journey to equality over the next few years. And we said as a first step, we will get to at least a third of our entire organisation being women, but the place where it matters the most in terms of driving change, is at the leadership level. And that is truly where we spent a lot of our time. And we said, we are going to have at least 25% of our leadership team, including CXOs and board members being women. And fortunately we were able to really drive that very, very seriously. And that really set the tone for the rest of the organisation to follow through as well.

First principles lens: The role of leadership teams in enabling gender equity at the workplace

Sowjanya: Amazing. I mean, I think that is a very bold step for any organisation to take. So on that Suman, just because I know listeners might be interested, in terms of once you’ve made that commitment – what were some specific actions that Freshworks took to actually translate that commitment into reality?

Suman: Look, first and foremost, the thing that matters is once you have your leadership team committed to it, I think it galvanises a lot of action internally. So that’s the first thing. When we set a target, we made a pledge like this, and it came right from the top, right? It wasn’t like an initiative driven by a team, it really was our CEO being passionate about the cause, putting himself out there. And that internally just drew a lot of momentum. Every function, every leader took a hard look at their own teams and thought through what would ‘good’ look like for them, and if they had to get to parity, what would that look like? So that’s where it started in terms of just the purpose and driving some momentum and traction around it.

But there are a few things that we did as a company that helped. One is education across the board. While the intent is all great, you have to realise that there are a lot of unconscious biases that exist. We call it ‘conventional wisdom’. You have to actually work through those consciously and in a more planned manner before you can actually move past all of that. So we did a lot of work in terms of educating and really starting a conversation around unconscious biases. 

You won’t believe everything that we question – say for instance, when you make an offer to a candidate, we had instances where we were making offers to men and women for similar roles. Say, you are hiring for a sales role. For one, you’re hiring a woman, and for one, you’re hiring a man. You realise that a lot of times the conversation is based on expectations on compensation or previous compensation. If you choose to continue that, you’ll realise that bias will always be there in your compensation. So those are the kind of biases you have to question. And we had some brilliant leaders who broke through that mould and really pushed the talent acquisition team by saying, no, I want to look at every woman leader who’s being hired. I want to personally see the compensation.

 Now, there are times where women will want to take that break. That’s a personal choice they have to make. And we completely respect that, knowing that India has millions of women who’ve taken a break and just never found an opportunity to come back. So we created a returnship program that enables us to attract some really, really talented women who are sitting at home because they never found the opportunity to come back. So that was the other thing that we did that enabled us to not just bring at an entry level or a leadership level, but also at that mid-management level.

Future forward: The role startups can play in leading the way on diversity 

Sowjanya: Thanks, Suman. Hearing these examples almost makes it a lot more real and tangible in terms of the actual efforts that some of this takes. And it’s not just that you make a commitment and then you see action immediately, but some of this is long and hard. As a philanthropist and an advisor, you continue to champion gender equality in startups. And I know you’re very passionate in your belief about how startups can actually lead the way for changing the equation for women’s participation in the workforce. Where do you see the opportunity for startups to succeed where many established companies haven’t?

Suman:I love what startups are doing to disrupt businesses. Some amazingly creative ideas are really disrupting the way we do business, the way we lead our lives, the way we consume products, the way we purchase – every aspect of life. Similarly, I also think startups are rewriting the code on ways of working, where work happens, how we work, how to build teams, how we think about talent. Startups are amazingly creative places, which is why I am so gung-ho about startups leading the way for this change. I think they don’t have years of legacy to rewrite or overwrite. They’re starting afresh. And every startup founder has this vision of not only building a great business, but building a great organisation, and therefore it comes from the right place. They have the ability and the intent to actually break a few conventional norms that have existed for years and years and think differently about talent. So that’s the number one reason why I’m so bullish on startups changing the way we think about the gender equation. That’s one. I think it’s in their DNA to experiment, take risks, so I definitely think it is a great place for us to really look for a change like this. Two, I also think and I also know that startups have a younger talent profile. And this generation of employees really cares about companies having progressive workplace practices, whether it’s in terms of flexibility, benefits, or inclusion. And so, if you truly want to attract great talent, I think you have to have workplace practices that kind of support that demographic as well.

The last one, it’s a very practical one Sowjanya, which is that startups are always looking to attract great talent, right? And we always talk about this war for talent, which is really going to stop us from being successful, right? Every CEO talks about how it keeps them awake at night, but then you think about it, half of your demographic is not even working, right? Amazingly educated population that is not even working. So how about instead of fighting over the same small group of people, we go and tap into this brilliant group of people who have all the passion to work, just haven’t had the opportunity to as yet? 

Sowjanya:I think that that makes a lot of sense. And I think just looking at the flip side, I know there are a lot of exciting opportunities and reasons and ways in which startups are already doing this, but again, just given your experience what do you think are some of the challenges that are rather unique to startups that, based on your journey, anyone else who’s taking this path should really be aware of?

Suman: See, a couple of things. I’d say one is you have to have executive sponsorships for this. Diversity, equity, inclusion is not a program. It has to be a way of life. It has to be, like I said, built into everything you do, right? Not just in hiring. It’s in terms of when you are designing benefits, when you’re designing workplace practices, everything has to have this built into it. Build it into how you make decisions, build it into how you build a product, build it into all your practices – that’s truly inclusive. Two, you have to have the executive team sponsor it. Don’t palm it off to one team or one organisation or one group to do it. Then it becomes somebody’s OKR or scorecard and nobody else cares about it. 

So that’s number one. Number two, like I mentioned before, unconscious bias is everywhere. We all mean very well. Nobody has any bias that is intentional, but we are all shaped by the experiences we’ve had. And so, it is really important that when we set out to have or build an organisation that’s diverse, we’re trying to break some of that apart. The third one, and I say this with all the right intent, there’s a very thin line between advocacy and activism. So when you approach diversity and inclusion with the mindset of activism, you won’t go very far in influencing people. Because they’re always going to kind of have that barrier in terms of why they should be part of it. Whereas if you’re an influencer and you’re advocating for it, you can actually bring people along. And that’s really what I mean. You have to bring people along in this journey. It cannot be just your passion. It cannot just be your OKR that’s driving it, right? So advocacy over activism is really, really key over here.

Sowjanya:I really like the way you put that advocacy over activism. Suman, if you were to speak to a startup founder today – and obviously they’re chasing growth, yet they don’t have money, they don’t have time, they don’t have resources, so gender diversity may not be top of their mind, and understandably so. But what advice would you really give a startup founder today who may or may not be thinking about this and what are the tangible ways in which they can even start this journey? 

Suman: Look, I wouldn’t say start with diversity as an initiative. Then it just puts a lot of onus and like you rightly said Sowjanya, I have so many things, I’ve got to raise money. I’ve got to build my product, I’ve got to scale my revenue. I have so many existential things that I have to focus on. You know, if I looked at diversity, it’s probably going to be 101 on my list of things, practically speaking as a founder. So my advice is don’t view it as an initiative. Make this as a part of how you build the company. So from the word go or get go, have a point of view on the kind of company you want to build. And this has a bearing on everything. It has a bearing on your culture, it has a bearing on your brand, it has a bearing on diversity. So think about it that way. Don’t think about diversity as an initiative, then it’s exhausting. Because then you start putting scorecards and action. 

No. Start with having a point of view on what a great organisation looks like? I get this one shot at building a great company and a great product or a great business, right? So start over there and when you start to think about what that great organisation looks like, then you start to put some thoughts and actions behind it. And I would guarantee you that part of it is being inclusive. Where people from all backgrounds, all kinds of experiences, all kinds of inclinations – everything, everybody can thrive.  

Two, you are always, always going to have a war for talent. If you truly want to attract great talent, right? We all go after the same set of people. But if you truly want to have an edge over attracting talent, why your company gets spoken about, then it has to do with your culture. It has to do with your people practices, and diversity is a big part of it. The third one I would say is start with your own leadership team. If you build a diverse leadership team, it’ll cascade down in your organisation. Then you will find that naturally the tone at the top tends to be very inclusive. Then as you grow slightly bigger as a company, that’s where you have to be purposeful about it. Then I would say startup founders should really start to think about what their point of view on diversity is? What do they want it to be? What does success look like? Then you start to put goals around it. That would be my advice. I don’t think at day zero you start by saying, I’m going to be 50% diverse. You can, but I don’t think every single person can do it, because you’re really looking at how do I get my first 20, 50 people in? But just start by having a foundation that is inclusive and then you can build on it.

Sowjanya: And I think it can easily get overwhelming if you try and do everything at once. So I really like how you’ve broken it down into steps and what you do at different stages almost.  

I think my last question to you is really, if you step back and really think about what success looks like for you – personally on this journey that you’ve embarked on, but also for the ecosystem at large – what are some of the things that you’re seeing that are really giving you hope and where do you hope we really end up at?

Suman: Success for me is when we make progress in this generation and not have to wait for three generations to see success. That’s my first hope. Biggest hope is that we don’t give up saying it’s going to take a lifetime to do it, or three lifetimes to do it. Success for me is when we start to see a corporate leadership team that is a lot more diverse. And so I do think we should, and we have to, aim for at least 40%, if not more, of executive teams being comprised of women, because that’s your demographic. Two, success for me would be when women can choose to take a break and come back without the stigma attached to having taken a break and therefore losing their career progression. Success for me is when every CEO thinks about diversity as an integral part of their talent plan. Just like how they have a business plan, they should have a plan that should incorporate elements of inclusiveness and diversity. That’s my hope and my wish for corporate India and startups.

Sowjanya: Thank you so much, Suman. This has been so, so, so amazing! Thank you so much for joining us in this conversation. 

Suman: Likewise. Pleasure talking to you, Sowjanya. 

Sowjanya: This brings us to the end of our fourth episode of UnHerd – a podcast presented by team ACT. If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to our Spotify and YouTube channels where we’ll bring you more unheard stories of people who are passionate about creating impact at scale in differential ways. People who truly stand apart from the herd.

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Why the ACT Fellowship Program is a great launchpad for early to mid-career professionals who are looking to pivot into the impact space

A chemical engineer from IIT Roorkee and an IIM Ahmedabad alumni, Sailee Rane had worked with organisations like Razorpay and McKinsey before deciding to pivot her career towards climate action. Over the past 9 months, as an ACT For Environment Fellow, she has worked closely with the vertical on finding and funding cutting edge climate-tech innovations, managing collaborative ecosystem initiatives and contributing towards the evolution of our investment thesis strategy. Armed with application-led learning, she now hopes to build her own startup as a clima-preneur.

Sailee is just one of many examples of individuals who’ve come into ACT as Fellows but walked out with a solid understanding of the social entrepreneurial ecosystem and how venture philanthropy plays a catalytic role in propelling social impact at scale. 

A nine-month apprenticeship program, the ACT Fellowship Program is an opportunity for young professionals to learn what it means to apply venture capital principles to philanthropy. Positioned at the cusp of the startup and venture capital ecosystems, it offers an experience-led insight into the nuances of impact investing and brings you face to face with inspiring social entrepreneurs who are solving some of India’s toughest social issues. The full-time intensive program is designed to build your understanding of what it takes to leverage collective action to create meaningful change and enables you to hone your own leadership skills and entrepreneurial abilities as a future change-maker for Bharat.

Each of the Fellows from the previous two cohorts have found tangible value in being at the centre of India’s social innovation landscape – across the realms of education, climate action, public healthcare and gender equity. Hailing from diverse backgrounds like law, political consulting, architecture and more, they’ve leveraged their Fellowship experience and learnings to successfully pivot their professional journeys into new and exciting arenas. 

A Masters in Sociology from Delhi School of Economics, Lakshay is the co-founder of AeSha Foundation – a non-profit organisation that works on public participation, civic engagement and livelihood opportunities for marginalised women. I gained great exposure to diverse stakeholders and truly inspiring individuals, offering invaluable lessons in leadership and ecosystem building in public healthcare,” he reflects on his journey as a 2023-24 ACT For Health Fellow. Similarly Ananya Yerra from 2022-23 cohort is now pursuing a career in impact investing while Shazib Siddique and Gulam Sarwar joined ACT as full-time fund managers on the team post their Fellowship.

Each year, we select 5-6 highly mission-driven candidates for the Fellowship Program – ambitious go-getters who can think on their feet, are hungry to learn, enjoy taking on challenges and can work both independently and as part of a team. Sharp thinkers with a bias for action who deeply believe that innovation can accelerate social impact and are abreast of the latest technology trends in the impact space. But most importantly, aspiring change-makers who are genuinely interested in the social sector and want to catalyse meaningful change.

The minimum eligibility criteria to apply for the Fellowship is to be a resident Indian citizen, a graduate of any discipline from an accredited university in or outside India, have at least 2 years of full time work experience and based in or willing to relocate to either Bombay, Delhi or Bangalore for the duration of the program. While we welcome applications from across all professional backgrounds, prior experience as a founder or in strategy consulting / investment banking / impact investing / social sector will be a strong advantage.

The ACT Fellowship is not just a program; it’s a journey that empowers young professionals to become co-founders of social change. By offering a blend of practical experience, sectoral specialisation and a best-in-class mentor network, the Fellowship has proven to be the transformative experience that could meaningfully change the trajectory of your career.

Applications for the 2024-25 cohort of the ACT Fellowship are now open! Click here to apply before the deadline of 13th August, 2024.

UnHerd with Dr. Akshay Jain: Transforming coconut waste into nanocarbons for battery efficiency

Hosted by ACT, UnHerd brings you the unheard stories of individuals who are challenging conventional principles to disrupt the social impact landscape. From social entrepreneurs to venture philanthropists, dive into real-world conversations on what they’ve experienced and learned about changing the status quo.

Our third episode welcomed Dr. Akshay Jain (Co-founder, Cancrie) who, in conversation with Shazib Siddique (Manager, ACT For Environment), shares his journey and learnings as a chemical engineer who saw an opportunity in using agricultural waste to make innovative nano materials that significantly increase battery efficiency.

Listen to this episode on our Spotify channel or watch the conversation on YouTube.

Shazib – Hello and welcome to the third episode of UnHerd – a podcast hosted by ACT that delves into the extraordinary stories of individuals who are challenging conventional principles to disrupt India’s social impact landscape.

The rapid expansion of the electric vehicle and energy storage markets in India is driving the development of the domestic battery industry. As per estimates, the demand for advanced cell chemistries is expected to reach roughly 220 gigawatt hours by 2030 – however, insufficient capacity of domestic battery cell production and shortages of raw materials have become key factors limiting its growth.

Our guest today is Dr. Akshay Jain, the founder of Cancrie, who has dedicated over 10 years of his life to building more efficient batteries by improving performance and increasing their overall lifespan. He has developed a unique way that transforms agricultural waste into carbon nanomaterials that can be used in batteries and capacitors to increase their efficiency by up to 125%. This patented product uses a proprietary manufacturing process that uses 75% less energy and enables a 13x reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Welcome to Unherd, Akshay!

Akshay – Thank  you so much, Shazib.

The spark that lit the fire: Solving for net zero

Shazib – It’s great having you here today with us. So actually, I want to start from the very beginning because when I look at your journey so far, there seems to have been a love affair between you and chemistry. You first did your bachelor’s in technology and chemical engineering, then went on to do a PhD from National University of Singapore. Subsequently, you have worked with the Center for Innovation in Singapore as a scientist and have also been a Fellow with the United Nations Environment Program. What was the spark that lit your fire for working in the climate action space and more specifically on battery efficiency solutions?

Akshay – So first of all, I would say you know, it is a slowly developed love affair. It developed slowly because when I started my bachelor’s in chemical engineering, I had a few options. I was very much inclined towards chemistry. So that was a very simple option for me – instead of choosing electrical engineering or mechanical engineering. And from thereon, I went for a PhD and because I was still inclined towards the technical parts. I saw a lot of industrialists coming to our campus and I was always inspired by those people – the big industries they’ve made by being in that space. So looking at that, it always inspired me that, you know, we can do something big with the chemical engineering space. I went on to do my PhD from National University of Singapore and when I finished my work, it [chemical engineering] was [still] continuously evolving.

And there was always a need which came for sustainability. We have to create climate tech solutions. We have to get to net zero emissions. So slowly those things were coming up and we realized how important it is. [And] when I was associated with the United Nations, there was a clear need that until or unless you create net zero emissions, there is going to be a big problem in the time to come. So, that really clicked with me that whatever we need to do on this earth today should be in the direction that we need to save this planet.

So when I was doing my PhD, I got this option – can we do something for the recycling / upcycling process? This field was kind of expanding and expanding, and there was a clear need; that we need to create these green jobs and net zero emissions. That was the time when I was working in the Center of Innovation. It struck me [to think about] whether we can do it ourselves, whether we can do something more, whether we can create a bigger impact.

So that was the time we started this journey of taking this product – what we are doing today in the market – how we can recycle the waste, upcycle the waste, get to the market, and that which can be used in the batteries, which is, again, related to sustainability, which is again, related to creating net zero emissions. Whichever way we are doing this, maybe we are not making the batteries or making the EVs, but making this material which improves the battery efficiency is something we are contributing to from our end in creating and bringing sustainability. And that is how from the last 10 – 12 years, this technology has come so far and we’ve commercialized this technology from the very scratch.

Traversing tough roads: Lessons from early failures

Shazib – I also want to double click on your journey of innovating this material because the first exposure or the first discovery happened at your time in National University of Singapore, where you also founded a startup called Mesotope, and that was your first startup. Building a startup is not an easy journey so I’m sure there were a lot of lessons that you learned during that first startup experience. What have been the big risks, the big failures, and the larger than life lessons that continue to guide you today?

Akshay – I was working at the Center of Innovation in Singapore and when I switched on to do my own venture, that was Mesotope –  that was started in Singapore. We started in 2019, and when the journey started, it was like we already had proof of concepts; [we had] published some papers. As an entrepreneur, we thought, okay, it’s very easy to get the money from the VCs. But when we really got into the deep tech space – material science, climate tech, hard tech, we wanted to manufacture it ourselves – the reality was very different. [We realized] that unless you have your product made at pilot scale, unless you do trials at the industrial scale in a relevant environment, there will be a challenge.

So that was the first time we thought, okay, we have to put this plant, we have to make these carbons at pilot scale. We invested some amount of money, we did some trials to make these batteries, but all at a laboratory scale. That was the first time we scaled up, and it was a big failure. Why? Because we scaled it for the first time – the kind of materials of construction (MOCs) which we used, the kind of industrial grade chemicals we used, we didn’t realize that what can go wrong in that? We were very naive at that time, and we just used it – we thought that everything would be fine.

We invested a lot of money there, our personal savings had gone into it. And then when the battery came out and the performance came out, it was just an average battery, and there were a lot of water losses. We invested almost eight months into it, and then we realized that every single penny has gone into it. And the battery didn’t perform because of the money. We were out of options.

So that was the time we applied for Techstars, and we said this is the last option we had. We get this money based on the idea and the theme. We [told ourselves] that we will proceed further,  otherwise there is no money to carry on. Because being in a deep-tech and hard-tech space is so expensive. Each and every characterization of the material, each and every characterization of the test on the battery costs us a lot. When [we] applied for Techstars, we were bootstrapping that time, we were only getting support from Nidhi EIR that was Rs. 30,000 a month. We all know that we cannot run a company with that. Me and my co-founder Mahi Singh, we just continued for a few months like that. But luckily Techstars believed in us.

Techstars gave us another chance, and they said, okay, we will give you another chance based on your idea and the capabilities you have. That was somewhere in April 2021 – we got the offer from them and in July 2021, we went to the U.S. and were there for six months. And then, we just continued. And then the journey never stopped. So the learning we had from Mesotope was one very clear thing – that you have to be extremely, extremely careful on the machine types you’re choosing, how you are approaching the market and how much money you have. And you have to be really, really planned a little ahead in terms of the fundraise, calculate the runway you have and take calculated risks. But we have learned a lot of lessons, which definitely made us what we are today at Cancrie, because we have learned those lessons at Mesotope.

First principles lens: Challenges and opportunities in climate-tech

Shazib – That’s so interesting to know that all these struggles and hardships have brought you to this position today where you have developed Cancrie into an advanced materials research company, and you’re developing advanced grade carbons that outperform the incumbent fossil derived carbon black, which is produced out of a very energy-intensive process. Your solution is a delight for any battery company in that regard, because I mean, you currently are already working with some of the largest battery manufacturers, like Luminous, Laurus, Sparco, and Future Energy. But I want to understand from you, what are the unknown struggles of an early stage climate tech entrepreneur that we do not often talk about?

Akshay – Whenever we are talking about these clients, they’re currently getting these carbons from Indian companies and also from abroad – definitely the companies or the manufacturers who are sitting in India, they prefer to have these kinds of carbons, indigenous solutions so that they have a continuous supply. And of course, in terms of the other benefits – in terms of pricing, in terms of the local solutions – these [benefits] are always there [from Indian manufacturers]. Now, what we are bringing to the table is very unique because one, like you already mentioned, is about the energy efficient solutions – that we are getting or making these carbons with much less intensive solutions or lesser intensive processes.

Once we get these carbons out, there are certain parameters, which play a very big role for the battery manufacturers or the batteries rather, for the performance of these batteries. What we are building at Cancrie from this 10 years of experience is that we are optimizing the properties in such a way that we are improving its porosities – like poor areas, poor volumes, conductivities, functionalities, poor volumes, particle sizes, purity levels. There are a lot of parameters. We understood what each and every level is going to play a role in the performance of these batteries.

Now, when we reached out to these players, definitely battery being a very sensitive industry, everybody has these challenges. “Do we have to try this product?” Because number one is, it [trying a new product] is always a time consuming job, right? You have a brand name in the market, and if something goes wrong, you’re all gone. Therefore the manufacturers were not accepting this so easily. To do the trials, we have done the product development for almost one to one and a half years with just one customer. We have shown all these performances after all these certifications, after all the tests at third party international laboratories. And once we had all those things with us, that was the time we reached out to more players, because otherwise it was a challenge for us.

All those challenges which came and everything needs money. There was a time when customers said to us that, see, we are not ready to take that risk, and we are not going to pay you for this because this is new, you are trying out something. Definitely when we reached the investors and the VCs, they were also [hesitant] – whether they are going to take that risk because we did not have any revenue. So this gap was there and we faced it in a big way. And that is where a lot of grants came very handy, that have de-risked us in a step-by-step process. First, we expanded the facility. Second, we made the batteries. Third, we did the industrial-scale trials. Fourth, we did the relevant environment testing, and that is where the grants like [ACT really helped]. Definitely extremely thankful for ACT For Environment who have supported us and believed in us.

But that is where the bridge needs to happen.

Shazib – ACT happens to be one of your supporters, but there are of course, other initiatives and a lot of them, that you have been beneficiary of – like government initiatives with respect to early stage climate tech innovations. So, while there are already a lot of incentives and work being done from the government side on promoting the adoption and the manufacturing capabilities of domestic batteries in India – schemes like the Production Linked Incentive scheme (PLI) specifically, which are focused on the advanced chemistry cells which is a strategic initiative to promote domestic manufacturing and also promote the wider adoption of electric vehicles and renewable energy storage so that we can meet the intermittency challenge.

Akshay – Yeah see, this is extremely important. If you look at this space of climate-tech, of batteries and of recycling materials, there is a lot of scope which can be taken care of. What the government has done already is that they have stated that these are the things by which we can control climate change. Can we ourselves, as a company, first bring ourselves to net zero emissions?

And can we support other companies to do that? Because we know that in the manufacturing setup, in the production sector, there will be some emissions which are going to come in, but we don’t want that to happen, and therefore we have to negate that. So we have to think one step ahead. We just don’t want ourselves to be net zero. But what we really want is we really want to make this world a net zero place to live in so that there are no emissions.

And that can be done by bringing sustainability [to] the mainstream, and which can be supported through the help of all these kinds of small developments.

Future Forward: Insights on building a sustainable business

Shazib – And that’s a good segue for me to also come to my next question, which is that your work in itself is very unique. You are building a material science company which is very hard to build, but your approach is also rooted in helping the local community. Tell me why is that so important to you, and what’s your definition of a truly sustainable business?

Akshay – We are recycling the agri-waste, upcycling the agri-waste [and] we always have this vision – can we help the local community there? Farmers who are into this, who are getting certain prices for their waste, or rather they’re just simply burning it or they’re simply throwing it. Can we bring some value to that waste and help that local community earn some benefits from there? We are also thinking in the long term, can we have the distributed units of our plant where these farmers can be employed there, where they can sell their waste there and we can use it in their industry.

Second, very, very important thing, [with] every battery, there are certain rare earth materials which go inside there. What our Cancrie carbon does is, it increases the performance of the batteries and it increases the active utilization of the material which is present inside. What it means is when you say, if you need a hundred grams of the rare earth material, what we are now saying is, instead of a hundred grams, maybe you will get the same performance of the batteries in 95 to 90 grams. Then that means we are saving those rare earth materials by 5-10%. That means that the need for mining is being reduced.

How that is helping the local community is definitely from the health hazard point of view, because now we are not relying more and more on mining. We want to reduce that, and of course, saving the earth from digging it more and more, and of course, saving the people who are into that industry and saving them from health hazards too.

Shazib – Being a founder is not an easy job. You are wearing multiple hats all at once and getting your hands dirty. As an entrepreneur, things can take a downturn at any moment. So how do you prepare yourself for the unprepared nature of this job?

Akshay – See there are definitely unknown challenges in whatever path you take, right? Even when you’re working or, or when I say working, that means if you’re employed somewhere, if you’re doing your own business, or if you’re not doing anything and sitting at home, there will always be challenges which will come and which are always unknown. So, one thing that I’ve learned is that whatever challenge is coming, if it is unknown, don’t think that something [bad] is going to happen. Preserve that energy for the time when it comes, save that energy and fight with the challenge when it comes, because the majority of the things happen only in our mind.

I think my dad told me that, “Akshay, why don’t you write things which you really worry about? Just write it in the diary and see if it is happening with you or not in the future.” I’ll tell you the day I started writing it, until now, none of those things have happened. None, not even one. I’ve written more than a hundred times – it didn’t happen. I [also] meditate a lot. Even in the morning when I come, even in the night when I go [home] before my dinner, I do meditation. I feel that that gives you a lot of power in some way, which I didn’t realize when I started it, it was all for physical reasons, maybe because of my physical health, but it has given me much more than that.

And one more thing which I also do, although I’m not getting a lot of time, I still try to do – is play at least one sport. It gives me some energy, some form of energy, if I play out and go out and do these things. But I think these are some of the things which I feel I can really rely on, which keeps me going.

Shazib – That’s amazing. What are the opportunities that young budding entrepreneurs can tap into? And what advice would you give to young founders who are excited about building in this particular space?

Akshay – One thing that all entrepreneurs should think about is that you should do something that is needed. That’s extremely important. Don’t do your own fanciful things. Don’t do things just because you want to become an entrepreneur or because you want to have your own startup – because these are the things which are going to hit you hard because you want to sell, but [what if] people don’t want to buy? So determine that, take some time and focus on that. Once you get into that, there will be a lot of challenges, which are going to come. But once you are settled, once you have determined that this is something which you really think is going to contribute in some way, then don’t change the pathway.

You have to make your own path. So what we did was we were like, okay, we have these many papers, we have patents. Let’s go to the VC market and we’ll get the money. But the reality was different. And that was the time we learned. Whenever the money comes, it’ll come. We will try, we will keep trying. Grow slow, no problem. Don’t try to rush into things. Grow slow. Because the most important thing, if you have determined that you have to build this, then you will build it.

Shazib – Right. That’s very well said. Thank you so much Akshay for being so candidly open about sharing your experiences, and it was a pleasure speaking to you today and hosting you today on this episode.

Akshay – Thank you Shazib.

Shazib – This brings us to the end of our third episode of UnHerd – a podcast presented by team ACT. If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to our Spotify and YouTube channels where we’ll bring you more unheard stories of people who are passionate about creating impact at scale in differential ways. People who truly stand apart from the herd.

UnHerd with Sandeep Singhal: Leading the charge on bringing private innovations to public healthcare

Hosted by ACT, UnHerd brings you the unheard stories of individuals who are challenging conventional principles to disrupt the social impact landscape. From social entrepreneurs to venture philanthropists, dive into real-world conversations on what they’ve experienced and learned about changing the status quo.

Our second episode welcomed founder, investor and passionate venture philanthropist Sandeep Singhal who, in conversation with Alankrita Khera (Director, ACT), shares his insights on the public healthcare space, decodes the idea of user centricity for health-tech founders who are building for Bharat and delves into the venture approach to philanthropy. 

Listen to this episode on our Spotify channel or watch the conversation on YouTube.  

Alankrita – Hello folks and welcome to the second episode of UnHerd – a podcast hosted by ACT that delves into the extraordinary stories of individuals who are challenging conventional principles to disrupt India’s social impact landscape.

Solving complex social challenges and creating lasting change takes commitment, time and effort. But more importantly, it needs serious philanthropic capital. Traditionally, this has come in the form of CSR support and institutional or individual funding towards programmatic initiatives. But in recent years, India has witnessed a rise in the venture philanthropy model of giving as well. The idea of providing patient yet high-risk philanthropic capital that’s ‘invested’ in innovative opportunities that have high potential to generate transformative social returns at scale that are both tangible and measurable.

Our guest today is a pioneer of the Indian venture capital space and a philanthropist in his own right. Over the last 35 years, he has been an entrepreneur and investor in equal measure – co-founding eVentures in 1999 as one of the earliest Indian VC funds that catalysed market leaders like MakeMyTrip, moving on to building Medusind in 2002 as a revenue cycle management solution for healthcare and then Nexus Venture Partners in 2006 that focuses on powering disruptive companies across AI, SaaS and Fintech in India as well as globally. Today, he continues to be a senior advisor to both Nexus and Avaana Capital, and as a passionate venture philanthropist, anchors ACT as a board member as well as an investment committee member for our healthcare vertical.

Welcome to UnHerd, Sandeep! 

Sandeep – Good morning Alankrita, good morning everyone. 

The spark that lit the fire: The journey towards social impact

Alankrita – Thrilled to have you with us, and I want to start by going back to where it all began. You’re an electrical engineer from Stanford with an MBA from Wharton, who has been in the shoes of both a founder and a VC. That’s an incredible reservoir of wisdom and perspective from both ends of the table. When and how did you begin to channel that perspective towards social impact?

Sandeep – So Alankrita, I lived in the US. I did my undergraduation in the US and worked at organisations that were quite active in philanthropy through employee matching programs. So, you know, whatever causes we supported, the institution would match that cause. And in many cases, companies like McKinsey had programs that they recommended where you could get involved as a volunteer, as well as places where you could give money. So, it exposed us to philanthropy at a very early stage in our professional careers.

Alankrita – Did it start with McKinsey, with these employee matching programs, or was there some kernel of a thought or an inspiration that struck you much earlier that took shape in the later years?

Sandeep – So, I grew up in Kanpur and there are lots of problems to solve in small cities in UP. And so, that idea of philanthropy and the impact that you can have, particularly in the Indian context, has been there from the very start. Charity always starts at home. My father is a cardiologist. So we grew up in an environment where giving was part of the profession itself. And I got to see him do a lot of free treatment, right? His thesis has always been, pay me whatever you can. So I saw that actually from a personal angle at home.

So when we (Sandeep and his wife Anjali Bansal) chose to return to India in 2000, it wasn’t that I was entering into philanthropic activities in India from scratch. Stuff that we had been doing, both me and my wife had been doing, while we were in the US, we just continued to build on that. 

When we came back to India, I was actually supporting educational initiatives because that was some of the stuff we had done while we were in the US. We were passionate about educating the girl child but also, more broadly, serving underserved communities. If you can educate people and make them literate, it has an impact on everything, including health outcomes, including their ability to live meaningful lives. And that was where we started till I came back to health partly because of my father’s experience.

Alankrita – I think this is where my understanding of your story begins. It’s when the pandemic hit and it hit all of us pretty hard. And I know you along with a bunch of other folks decided to start ACT. Tell me a little bit about that. What was going on in your mind? What were you thinking? How did it evolve?
Sandeep – At eVentures and subsequently at Nexus, I was looking at healthcare investing. And so, I had a pretty good understanding of the healthcare entrepreneur landscape in India. And so when COVID hit, one of the things that was driving the formation of ACT was really this large pool of very passionate entrepreneurs and investors who felt that they could bring their collective capabilities to address COVID relief. It was really a groundswell where you said, okay, anybody that has a point of view on how we can bring innovation, how can we bring the passion to solve healthcare issues should get together and make something happen. And given my experience with companies at Nexus, we had a good understanding of what was required. Health access, health delivery access has (always) been a challenge in India. And one of the learnings has been the fact that there is both a commercial aspect to it, but there is also an impact aspect to it. And I think in the Indian context, impact still trumps the commercial aspect, particularly when it comes to digital health. So, ACT was a perfect platform to say, how can we bring our experience as investors, as founders of companies and so on, to help people who are trying to have an impact on healthcare delivery?

Traversing uncharted paths: The venture approach to philanthropy

Alankrita – And I mean, I have to ask this because I know I get asked this a lot. This is the idea of venture philanthropy at the end of the day – essentially what you’re doing is you’re applying VC principles to the idea of social impact. Why this approach, Sandeep? 

Sandeep – So, the VC approach is fundamentally to say–can this founder or can this team really have impact at scale and build something large? So when you think about it, when a person starts a company, that company has always started to solve a problem. The question is, what is the end outcome of solving that problem? At the end of the day, in some way, it’s making the life of us as human beings better, right? Whether it is Sam Altman building OpenAI or whether it is Jo building Wysa, they’re both using AI to solve a problem, just different problems. And so I look at it from that standpoint and say, the fundamental starting point is a problem. The fundamental starting point is an individual that is looking to solve a problem.

What is the outcome and what are we thinking in terms of what are we measuring as success? And so, in the context of a VC, obviously everybody looks at our IRRs and our returns. Everybody says, okay, how much capital did you generate? Or, what was your return on capital and so on? Sometimes you can have impact outside of capital returns. And so, what you’re looking for from a venture philanthropy perspective is bringing that other element, which is impact for impact’s sake. You’re not looking at it from a standpoint of just commercial returns, but you’re looking at it from a standpoint of scale, impact at scale. And that’s important because there are certain solutions which are targeting segments that don’t necessarily have the ability to pay – those segments typically get addressed by government support. 

One of the reasons why governments exist, and everything is not just a private sector, is because there are requirements that we have. Policy is important – you couldn’t put policy into a private company and expect to get greater terms. It has to be something that is done as a public good. And some of those public good requirements cannot necessarily be met by the government at all times. So innovation and the whole idea of innovation-driven public good is something that the government can’t take on. The government is not necessarily the starting point for innovation. Innovation typically comes from an individual. So the thought was, how do we marry this idea of impact at scale in the public good context with the way we think about impact at scale from a commercial standpoint? Now the two places where they sort of interject are really the sustainability of an enterprise. A startup, when it’s in the initial stages, will raise money, but eventually has to get to a level of scale and profitability that can run on its own. Similarly, enterprises that are doing public good. You know, at the starting point they can raise grants, but at some point has to show enough sustainability that either there is an ongoing grant or the government is giving them money to run programs. Or they get to a point where there is enough value in what they are building that even the bottom of the pyramid customers are willing to take that one rupee or two rupees or five rupees, whatever is needed to get access to that. 

So for us, it’s really trying to find that sort of middle ground, which says, here’s an idea, here’s a solution that is addressing public good and is able to do that in a way which will be sustainable in the long run without the need for me to keep giving grants.

Alankrita – When I look at how philanthropy is viewed, irrespective of the approach that is adopted, what I’ve seen is that it’s often articulated as this larger than life idea of nation building. But at its core, it’s usually very closely aligned to something that you deeply feel, like a deeply felt personal passion for solving a very specific social challenge that’s close to your heart. What does this actually look like for you? And why do you choose to focus your philanthropic efforts there at this stage?

Sandeep – So in the Indian context, philanthropy is really programmatic in nature, right? Now, there has been a shift in that. You look at Akshay Patra, a great example of how effectively a program that continues to run. They’ve shown impact. And they were able to scale and build more and more grant support as they went along. On the other hand, you take an example of a company like d.light, which we had back in Nexus days, which were doing consumer solar lighting.d.light at a certain point was able to charge people enough, who saw enough value in the light that they were purchasing, to create an ecosystem where d.light is today. So, programmatic is good, but programmatic always runs into this issue of ongoing grant requirement. 

The first part of what drives my impact is actually promoting venture philanthropy. Because I think that from that basic lens, I actually think that this approach allows for philanthropy at scale, right? If I can get companies to work in the public good space, in the public good sector, they may be running a business that is profitable somewhere else. But if they continue to provide a subsidised mechanism or provide focus on public health, public education, public environmental issues and so on, I actually think that the private sector has a big role to play there.

So bring in more catalytic models rather than just programmatic models into our philanthropic discussions.

Sandeep – I initially started with the mindset that health access, health delivery, access is an issue. And if you’re sitting in a large metro, you never realise the gap between the quality of healthcare delivery that you have in say a Bombay or where I’m sitting or Delhi or anywhere else versus what a person in a village in some outskirts of Orissa is dealing with. You just don’t see it. And I can tell you, for example, we had patients that would show up at home at 9.30 in the evening for my father, right? And they would say, is Dr. Singhal available? And you would say, but you know, he’s either in bed or he’s going to sleep or whatever else. They said, yes but this is the only train we could get to come here. And you realise that this is the pain point – that to get to a cardiologist, the only way they can do that is that they come to Kanpur. And Kanpur is not that large a city. So again, this notion of a hub and spoke model and then bringing it all the way down to the spoke, the quality of treatment, the quality of access to care and so on, is a huge gap. And so, my initial thought process led me to make investments from a commercial standpoint. 

But my learning along that way has been that there is still a gap. Even if you have telemedicine, there is a big gap in the patient’s ability to get comfort that they’re getting high quality treatment. And so that gap has to be addressed with a physical element to it, right? So healthcare is still a very physical sort of need. How do you create that omni-channel delivery system? And so, the learning was that a lot of that has to be done through grant giving rather than just giving money to companies. The kind of person who needs that access doesn’t necessarily have the comfort to pay for those digital tools. 

As part of one of ACT’s field studies, we actually visited these places outside of Odisha, maybe about 80 kilometres outside of Bhubaneswar, and we met with some people at this PHC, the Primary Health Center. You could see the state of treatment that was happening at the PHC. They had the space, they had doctors, but clearly overworked. And across the road, from the PHC was this chemist. And this chemist would organise a visit from a specialist in Bhubaneswar twice a month. So every fortnight, this specialist would come and would treat people from that region. And people would pay whatever his fees were, 500 rupees or 1000 rupees, whatever he was charging. And so, we asked the people at the PHC, what is this? So he says, ‘we would prefer to come to the PHC and we would even be okay paying’. So, it’s not that I want free treatment from the government. I just want treatment, which I can get – the best treatment and I’m willing to pay for it. There is openness to pay, there is ability to pay. The question is, how do you get the system to that scale? 

So, one of the things that we are doing at ACT is supporting innovators in helping the government improve the quality of delivery in the primary healthcare centre or at the community healthcare centre or at the district hospital. So that’s what’s driving my interest.

First principles lens: Building user centricity in tech-led social innovations

Alankrita – You alluded to this just a little while ago and if I were to just dive a little bit deeper into this need gap that you identified within public health care. It’s a high inertia space, right, from both the patient’s and the care provider’s end? You also talked about innovation and technology. And we know that one of the evolving hypotheses has been that tech can be this bridge, it can play a role in solving this ‘access to affordability’ gap for Bharat. What is the most successful example that you have seen that actually gave you conviction that the use of tech or the use of innovation can actually create real impact for underserved populations?

Sandeep – So from a government side, obviously we have been working with the e-Sanjeevani program. We helped roll that out in Odisha. We visited PHCs where they were actually doing calls with doctors that were at district hospitals. And then we visited the district hospital to see the other end of the doctor taking the call and trying to understand the incentives on both sides. Why would a doctor take out time from their busy schedule to do this telemedicine and vice versa? Why would a patient be comfortable doing this telemedicine call from a PHC? So one of the PHCs that we visited, there was a nurse practitioner who was the same person who was running the PHC. We asked her, I said, ‘why are you doing this?’ She says, ‘sir, I grew up in this village and this is something I have to do for my people’. So this was such a service mindset. The government had given her a BSNL SIM card for connecting to the district hospital. She says, ‘sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t work. So I got my own data connection from, I think it was Airtel or Jio, and I used that’. So she’s paying out of her own pocket for getting access to telemedicine.

And she says, ‘it’s so helpful because my patient, and she pointed to this old lady that was sitting there, I just can’t see her travelling 80 kilometres to Bhubaneswar to consult a specialist. It’s just impossible for her to do that, both from a cost perspective, the frailty of the person, and so on’. That model showed me this thing can happen at scale.

Assam, you’re seeing similar activities happening. Nagaland, when we were in COVID, we saw this. I can point to many examples during COVID period where we were able to bring in innovative technologies – whether it was testing at home, whether it was oxygen concentrator delivery. We actually did work with a very interesting organisation out of Cochin, this was a training organisation called Pupil First. And they built in the very early days because Ernakulam was the first place where COVID hit. So they worked with the Ernakulam district authorities and they built a system to actually map the entire healthcare delivery network, whether it was a public hospital, private hospital, ambulances. They mapped it out on a single system and they called it CARE.

And so, we started working with them very early in that journey. We funded their development. That whole experience of bringing software, bringing devices, all of that into a government environment sort of said, okay, as long as we don’t get innovation stuck in the government procurement system, we can actually bring innovation to the government. 

It’s not that the government doesn’t want innovation. The government is seeking innovation because the government also realises, both at the central level and the state level, that innovation is going to be a very important part in making healthcare available to the masses at scale. But see the kind of problems they’re dealing with at scale. The health secretary sitting in Delhi is addressing the whole COVID issue across India, right? You and I never have to deal with that kind of scale. So they have a very strong understanding of scale, but they are so busy in their day-to-day jobs and because of the issue with managing vigilance and all that stuff, they cannot just say, okay, here’s an interesting idea, please bring it to the government, right? They have to follow certain processes when it comes to procurement, when it comes to deployment and so on. Tomorrow if something were to go wrong with the innovation, that’s a huge problem for them. The government can’t deal with that kind of risk. So understanding the limitations under which the government has to work, how do we bring innovation into this system? And the way to do that is to both educate the innovator that this is how public health works, as well as taking away the need for going through a procurement system.

And so initially we’ll do that with certain guardrails, right? We’ll put certain guardrails to make sure that the government is not put at risk. Typically we’ll work with innovations at least that are clinically validated, but even on those, you end up finding edge cases when you are actually in the field. And so once we get more comfortable that edge cases can be addressed, at that point working with the government is to bring that into procurement, rolling that out. Interesting example of a company called Dozee – so Dozee has built a solution where you put a bunch of sensors under a patient’s bed. And those sensors then provide vital information to the nursing station that could be located away from that bed. That was extremely valuable during COVID times because you didn’t expose healthcare delivery staff to go and take vitals. So, Dozee showed the value of the technology, but the technology had some issues. There were some things that had to be worked out. During COVID, we got feedback from the people like the government institutions, charitable institutions that were deploying it saying, ‘we like this product, but here are the five things that it needs to do better.’ And there was one thing as simple as, ‘oh, they have this device that connects to the bed, which looks like it’s an expensive device. Somebody just comes and takes it away. As an innovator, I would never think about that. And you would never say, somebody would steal something from a patient’s bedside, but it happens. 

So we did simple things – like just putting a means to lock it to the bed so it can’t be removed. So they got feedback. They improved it. The government got data saying that this works. So now they are actually, and it’s a private company, they’re expanding quite rapidly. And it’s (their technology) being used, it’s being procured by the government. So again, examples like this just tell you that there is a need for innovation in public health. There is a desire to bring innovation into public health.

Alankrita – Yeah. I mean, you were talking about CARE a little while ago, and I just want to share that they’ve actually been, if I’m not mistaken, they’ve been recognized by the UN as the world’s 50th digital public good. And they actually went on to do tele-ICUs and now are moving on to smart-ICUs, connecting doctors pretty much anywhere in the country to rural and remote hospitals.

Sandeep – It’s an amazing story. It started as a COVID relief project and it has now gone much beyond that. They have built a full solution for managing ICUs remotely. So one of the things that we are seeing is the ability for the work that we are doing in India to have global impact. So at ACT, we are actually quite excited that what we are doing has been accepted by the UN as a digital public good.

Alankrita – That’s right. I mean, taking India to the world, I think that’s the big aspiration. Sandeep, I want to actually just play devil’s advocate. But at the end of the day, if you think of tech-led innovations and the adoption of this kind of innovation or the adoption of this kind of technology, I imagine that depends very heavily on just influencing behaviour change. 

And it comes from my own example. Like a couple of weeks ago, my son was not feeling well, he’s about to be three, and it was quite late in the night. And I have the option of being able to video consult with my paediatrician at the hospital. But the first thing that I thought of as a parent was, I need to be able to see the doctor and I want the doctor to be able to examine him, take his vitals and then tell me what’s wrong. Now, if this is happening with me, this is absolutely happening at the rural Bharat level. So for entrepreneurs who are building in this space, Sandeep, given that this is a consideration, what do you think is the right approach for them to adopt?

Sandeep – My experience with investing in this space at Nexus and looking at this also from what we did with COVID relief at ACT is that the Indian patient is still behaving very similar to what you said. In particular, you are a literate person. You understand how video conferencing works. So you understand that apart from the actual taking of vital signs and so on, a lot of the conversation can happen on the phone. For a person who is not familiar with technology, it’s even harder. When we use the word vital signs, we both know what we are talking about. You go and talk to somebody in the village, what is the information that they need to give to a doctor? They don’t know. The doctor knows what they are and it’s not even like their description of their problem is also challenging, right? So in those cases, the doctor has to ask 10 questions to get to that answer. 

So the point you bring up is extremely valid. This need for a physical connection is very critical. And the government recognizes this. The whole ASHA worker model, the ANM model is driven by the fact that you need that physical touch point. You need somebody in the local ecosystem. You need somebody who is trusted to be able to deliver healthcare at the end of the day. Because if I go to a woman today and I say, I need you to be screened for cervical cancer, it is an invasive procedure in some way, right? How would that woman take it if it was somebody just giving that, making that ask? So trust is very important in the context of healthcare delivery. And so, your point about behaviour change fundamentally starts with building trust. That trust gets built from a very hyper-local standpoint going up. 

What we are realising over there is that to really scale that and to really be successful, one has to really think about this as building capability at the ground level in people that the patients trust. So this is what I was talking about in the context of the PHC. The patient goes, his first point of connect is either the local doctor or the local PHC.

Today we are working with a company that has built cervical cancer screening tools and we are working in some of the backward districts in Maharashtra to provide screening capabilities that if they were done with the naked eye would not provide as much accuracy as we can do with this device. We have been working with this organisation called Mahan Trust. So Dr. Ashish Satav runs this. I have to really sort of look up to people like them. These are people who are living in the remotest parts of India. Dr. Satav is running Mahant Trust out of Melghat district – Melghat district is this tribal district in Maharashtra. 

Recently, we had done a pilot there in Melghat around digital microscopy and being able to provide pathological services remotely. They were working with somebody in Nagpur and they discovered a cancer patient that would have been missed otherwise because the care would not have been available at Melghat. So I think those are the kind of changes that need to happen at the ground level that will drive behaviour change. So once this patient that was diagnosed with cancer goes back to their village and they’ll say, hey, we went to this thing and we got this, they’ll spread the word. So a lot of it is about trust and building comfort. And we have to work with people that have already built that trust and then equip them with more and more innovation.

Future Forward: Wisdom and insights for health-tech founders

Alankrita – Yeah, I mean, Sandeep, we do know that innovation can actually re-write the playbook pretty much completely. But we’ve been talking about how tech works, or how well it works, or the potential that it has. But if I were to look at it from the philanthropic level, these are high-risk philanthropic investments. And given that you, as a venture philanthropist, you’re looking at all of this with a very clear sort of approach and a very clear set of lenses – in your experience and from whatever that you’ve seen, what is the biggest insight you’ve garnered on what absolutely does not and will not work?

Sandeep – Going back to this point of programmatic versus catalytic, we work with the assumption that not every sort of investment we make or every intervention we do will be successful. That’s the nature of catalytic capital. Programmatic works very differently. Programmatic works with the assumption that wherever they’re making an investment, that program will be successful. So there is a little bit more of a desire to not have things fail.

Two things happen because of that. Number one, hopefully we will make decisions faster because we are less risk averse in that sense. The learning, one big learning, for us is that regardless of whether this is a VC investment or whether it is an impact investment where the primary driver is impact at scale, we have to work with people that are thinking of scale in the design of their solution. So one of the challenges, and I think Pramod Verma put this very well. He’s the architect of Aadhaar and he made a very interesting point based on his experience at Aadhaar. He said, the reason why Aadhaar has been successful, is we knew the scale we needed to achieve from day one. And one of the things that we see with people who are working in the impact space is that they work at the local level first, with the idea that if we can solve a problem at the local level – because there is a reason for that. You typically will work on a problem that you see around you. It could be that people are dying of hunger or people are not getting water or whatever else, and you see it around you. And you say, okay, I need to solve this problem. So what they do is they solve the problem at the local level, and then they say, okay, let me scale this. So they don’t necessarily design their solution to be a solution that doesn’t need them or is designed for scale from day one. We are looking for people that are designing for scale from day one.

Alankrita – Yeah. I want to actually now, given that you’ve been talking about this, I want to shift gears a little bit and just to bring this to a bit of a conclusion. If I were to look at it from the social entrepreneur end, there are a couple of things, right? Early stage social entrepreneurs who are trying to pioneer these tech-led innovations, they’re often navigating pretty much everything from clinical validation to build an MVP to business development to crack PMF entirely on their own. At the same time, they’re also trying to balance purpose with business sustainability, because like you very rightly pointed out, that is critical. You have to be able to make your enterprise sustainable to be able to create that impact. What are resilient social entrepreneurs made of, from everything that you’ve seen?

Sandeep – I think the starting point for that resilience is really passion. It’s the passion about the problem you’re trying to solve. It’s actually, I would say, no different between any entrepreneur. Whether it’s a social entrepreneur, whether it is a for-profit entrepreneur or whatever. And many of our entrepreneurs are for-profit entrepreneurs that we have repurposed to work in the public space, right? We’re looking for entrepreneurs that want to solve social problems. So resilience is really around the ability to sell and listen. Those  two are easier said than done. You’re constantly selling – you’re selling to the government about the efficacy of what you have built, you’re selling to your funders, investors that, hey, you know, if you give me money, I’ll bring about major change. You’re trying to sell to your employees that come work for me at half the salary that you’re making elsewhere because you’re having fundamental social impact. The other part that I talked about is about listening. 

So let’s say I am today working at ACT. I’m working on problems that I have personally never experienced. I have never had to deal with not having electricity 24/7. I have never had to deal with having to go get water in the morning by six o’clock because otherwise the well is dry or the taps are dry. So that’s the kind of the need for empathy and listening is very critical. Being able to relate to the person whose problem you’re trying to solve is actually very, very critical for the point you made on behaviour change. I have a very personal story. My son was in, I think, seventh or eighth grade, and he was studying at a private school in Bombay, and they had to do a community project. He went and taught at this mobile creche. So for construction workers, there’s an organisation which runs mobile creches for their kids. So he went and he was going to teach them. And he had gone with a lesson plan. He had prepared everything. And I think he was going to talk about the solar eclipse and stuff like that. So he’s teaching them and then, he sees glazed faces in front of him. So he stopped and he said, what are the questions that you have? And he said that when they started asking questions, the kind of things that they were asking in one way were so basic but in other ways showed him that what he had come in with as, hey, this is what I’m going to teach, was completely off. He said, it was a learning that if you are trying to work in the social sector, you have to be in the shoes of the person who you’re trying to help. And I think that is a very important part about this resilience of the social entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurship is a very lonely journey, right? So in that lonely journey, you need these small wins. And by being in the shoes of your recipient, the beneficiary, and seeing the small wins, it just gives you the resilience to keep going.

Alankrita – And that’s wisdom right there. But if I just go back to philanthropy, and if I look at what it was about a decade ago, it looked very different, right? It was, and we talked about this earlier as well, it was a little bit more programmatic. And today, we are starting to see that shift where philanthropic intentions are veering towards being a little bit more catalytic with models like venture philanthropy. But at a larger level, if we were to just go beyond ourselves and what we believe in, what’s your personal point of view on the philanthropic approach that is needed to really, really build better for Bharat?

Sandeep – I would say that all types of philanthropy I would welcome, right? I think the number of problems we have to solve and the level of impact that we can have, I think whether it is programmatic, whether it is catalytic, whether it’s venture philanthropy, whether it is your traditional grant giving, whether it is the money that came through religious organisations, whether the money comes through your local charity. 

Today, there is a shift in the narrative and that’s being driven by organisations like ACT, the Nudge Foundation, Central Square Foundation, Giving Pi, AIN, Ashoka Fellowship. There are many organisations that are now creating a bridge between money that wants to go towards philanthropy and causes that are scalable, sustainable in nature. Our role is to provide a bridge and provide that comfort to the investor, to the philanthropic capital. That if you go work with Veena at Periwinkle, or if you go work with Dr. Manjunath at Niramai, or if you work with Dr. Naresh at Navya, the impact that they’re having is a good use of your money. And I think that is what is changing. The narrative is changing today to say there are entrepreneurs, there are innovators, there are private institutions and public institutions that are working towards having impact and they’re having impact at scale.

Some interventions, like I mentioned, will continue to be programmatic, and will continue to require grants. There are others that will migrate towards more sustainable growth, either with the government taking it on or with the people who are the beneficiaries paying for it and so on. But there are going to be catalytic solutions as well. There will be discoveries that will happen in new ways of giving. I don’t know yet. But crowdfunding is a new thing that came up. So a Ketto, a Milaap – they were able to build a platform around philanthropy that I would never have expected in India. This notion of giving money to any random person who puts a request on Ketto, it happens. So I think that there are new forms of philanthropy that are emerging. And my goal is, again, to promote as much philanthropy as possible.

So the idea is that you don’t need to be 50 to start giving money. As I was explaining my own experience, you can start giving money much earlier. And we’ve seen a lot of wealth created in India with very young founders, with next generation family members and so on. And our goal is that not everybody has the time or the sort of inclination to go and set up their own foundation or their own philanthropic sort of infrastructure. So what ACT is doing is giving people an opportunity to come and work off of an existing platform, work with people that have similar goals, maybe not the same goal. It doesn’t need to be the same goal, but provide a platform where people can bring their own interests, their own areas of philanthropy and work off of a single platform.

Alankrita – Amazing. This has been absolutely amazing, Sandeep. Thank you so much for joining us for this conversation.

Sandeep – Thank you. It was wonderful talking to you. 

Alankrita – This brings us to the end of our second episode of UnHerd – a podcast presented by team ACT. If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to our Spotify and YouTube channels where we’ll bring you more unheard stories of people who are passionate about creating impact at scale in differential ways. People who truly stand apart from the herd.

ACT For Health renews its support to Basic Health Services

Tuberculosis (TB) remains a significant public health challenge in India, home to the highest number of TB cases globally – about 25% of the global TB burden. Each year, over 2.7 million people in India are diagnosed with TB, predominantly affecting marginalised and economically disadvantaged groups, including migrants and those in overcrowded environments.

In response to the TB crisis, especially in tribal areas, ACT For Health collaborated with Basic Health Service (BHS), a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing comprehensive healthcare in remote regions. BHS serves vulnerable tribal communities through its primary care clinics located in tribal regions of Rajasthan. Their decade-long work has underscored the high TB risk groups among migrant workers, who are more susceptible due to poor living conditions, nutrition, and hygiene. A significant challenge in addressing TB is the lack of availability of diagnostic tools like chest radiography, sputum tests, and the cartridge-based nucleic acid amplification test (CBNAAT) in underserved regions.

To combat these challenges, ACT collaborated with BHS to help equip Public Health Centers (PHC) and primary care clinics with X-ray machines and cassette readers to bolster their diagnostic capabilities. X-ray imaging plays a pivotal role in the fight against TB. It especially proves to be vital in low-resourced settings where advanced testing is not available, significantly aiding in the early detection and management of TB. The grant led to the successful treatment and management of over 7,000 TB patients within a year and helped reduce the costs and time for diagnosis and treatment. 

Recognizing the need for X-rays as an essential primary care imaging solution, ACT for Health is renewing its support to BHS for the deployment of mobile cassette readers (CR), also known as an X-ray detector, at their primary care clinics. The availability of a mobile CR machine will allow BHS to serve multiple clinics more efficiently, ultimately enhancing their ability to serve a greater number of patients by reducing overall turnaround time. We’re excited to support BHS in decreasing loss-to-follow-up rates and ensuring swift diagnosis and treatment, thus increasing BHS’s capacity to serve more patients and improve health outcomes significantly in these communities!

ACT Capital Foundation For Social Impact is a not-for-profit company incorporated and registered under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013. All donations made to ACT Capital Foundation are eligible for income tax deduction under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act.

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